Time To-Do Links & Resources
Before Class Starts Send HR all required documents 
  • Employee Information Sheet
  • 2024 Federal W-4 Form
  • Nebraska W-4 Form
  • I-9 Form (Original forms of identification are required. If you won’t be coming to campus to complete the Form I-9, contact Kimberly Hernandez).
  • Direct Deposit 
  • Drug-Free & Reasonable Cause Form
  • CSC Employment Application
  • Background Check Form
  • Employee Computer Account Request Form
  Complete IT Cyber Security You will receive communication from the CSC IT Department on the requirements that must be completed before you can access your course information. 
  Communicate with Academic Dean's Office Assistant

To get course materials and textbooks, please contact your Dean's Office Assistant. They can coordinate getting these items sent to you.

  • School of Business, Mathematics, Natural Science and Graduate Studies- Emily Snitily
  • School of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences, Curriculum and Assessment & Accreditation- Valerie Miller
  • School of Liberal Arts & Essential Studies- Kay Mitchell


*Communications will always go to your CSC email, but as a precaution, please send the Dean Office Assistant an alternative communication method (personal email, cell phone) that you can be reached at.

  Add CSC Academic Calendar events to your individual calendar Avoid missing key academic deadlines. Add items from the Academic Calendar to your personal calendar. 
  Preview Course Content

If there is no course content in your Canvas course shell, please email your Department Chair or the Teaching, Learning, Professional Education Center (tlpec@davidegalliani.com).

If you need help with the Canvas LMS, please review this resource page, you are also encouraged to contact TLPEC.

  Syllabus Speak with your Department Chair about your syllabus. One may be created for you by them. A template is provided for guidance.
  Communicate with students about required course materials

If your course will require a book, especially if there are online books or online course access codes (such as McGraw-Hill Connect or Cengage MindTap access requirements) please consider contacting students prior to the start of the term (VIDEO: or Mass Emailing from Outlook step-by-step guide) about what they need and how they access the resource.

If students purchase course materials through the CSC bookstore, the instructions  Accessing Digital Bookshelf will show students how to access digital books or access codes.

Week 1 Communicate with students, ensure participation. This is a great opportunity to send emails or Canvas Announcements clarifying course expectations and reminding students of the best way for them to contact you with questions.
Week 2 No Show Reporting

An email will be sent from the Records office about No Show Reporting. Below is sample language.

  • The Correction Roster defaults to Attending for all students.  If all of your students are participating, you must still change the class roster status to Complete and SAVE.  
  • If students are not attending and participating, please select the option of Never Attended under the Attendance Correction for those students.  
  • If students are reported as no-show, they will be dropped from the identified courses starting on DATE.   
  • If a student’s status has changed after you submit the roster, please respond to this email and provide the student’s name, course, and corrected status immediately.    

If a student informs us, they are attending, the attendance notification must come from you as the faculty member.  Please respond to this email and let us know the student, change in status and the course.  

No Show Infographic

Throughout the Semester Communicate

Let students know what turnaround time to expect for grades to be submitted for course content and for responding to their inquiries to you.

If students are not showing up to class, not performing well, or if you have other concerns about them, please report concerns to Eagles 360.

Week 8 (if semester-based course) Midterm Grades Mid Term Grade Input
Week 16 (for semester-based courses- Week 8 if 8wk course) Final Grades Final Grade Input